5 Jan 2014

Our July in the Rain

Hiiii dolls! Sorry for my two day absence, I just haven't been feeling well. I'm really trying to blog as much as I can (now that I'm still on my school break) and missing two days for no reason got me kind of upset with myself. Considering, that I used to blog once or twice a week last year, two days don't seem like much haha. My friends and I went out yesterday and had an absolute blast. Now, I'm normally not the most outgoing person but a little party never killed nobody right? I did nap most of the day though because I was really tired. Recently, my mum and I went to our local H&M, where I picked these thigh high socks up. I wasn't too sure on them at first, because they can be quite unflattering at times, especially if you're short as me. I paired them with shorts I got from Bournemouth a few years ago and a this H&M blouse. I swear I do own different clothes apart from H&M haha.
Hope you enjoy! xo

Shorts-New Look
ps: I'm not wearing any shoes haha


  1. Loooooove those shorts! I have similar ones but they're all leather. Mix-matched fabrics are definitely my fav! Happy blogging :)

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog

    1. you can never go wrong with leather shorts haha! thanks love:) xx


All comments are welcome! I appreciate the fact that you took time off your busy schedule to leave a nice comment. Hope you're having a great day ♥