23 Dec 2013

Sunday Selfie #02

Christmas Season is the perfect excuse for cheesy webcam seflies don't you think? Also can we just ignore the fact that we're technically not even Sunday anymore? I bought the cosiest and fluffiest turtleneck in the H&M sales (which you can kind of see in the pictures) along with a coat. I got a great deal on both of the items and am dying to show you the coat I got!

I'm planning on going to Brussels on Monday, where I'll hopefully take some snaps as last time (click!). Remember last time I went to Brussels, I bought a Harry Styles cardbord cut out haha? I'm planning on getting all five of them, so little Harry doesn't feel left out...Whilst there, I'm also going to try and find some stuff for a give away which will hopefully happen as my 1 year of blogging rolls around soon. I obviously still have to inform myself on the whole shipping process and stuff, but it's definitely something I want to do. Keep your eyes peeled!
Anyway I should probably go now since it's almost 3am and I have to be up early tomorrow to do my last minute Christmas shopping (I'm super early as always I know haha)

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